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The rainbow gathering in Montana is calling to me

What is a "rainbow gathering"?, you ask. 

For those who are unfamiliar, it is the annual gathering of the tribes of the rainbow family of living light. This is a free assembly of individuals who gather in a different national forest in America every summer to consciously share in praying for peace on earth and among people. It is a multi-cultural, non denominational assembly that is open to all folks who wish to share in the spiritual gathering. The annual rainbow gathering is free and has no leaders. Everyone meets as equal in heart and spirit to share the vibration of love and oneness before the great spirit Creator God. On July 4, the assembly of thousands of souls circles in the main meadow in some mountain forest to pray in the universal tone of "OHM". It is a powerful vibration that alters the elements of earth and space. This prayer reaches far and wide. It may last for a few minutes or twenty or more minutes. It just depends upon the moving of spirit. Afterwards, there is much celebration, music, praise, gratitude, love, dance and healing light spread around the gathering and across worlds.

The rainbow gathering is the most powerful assembly that I have ever experienced. I have found nothing else on earth like this in my lifetime. Join us as we share in healing love and light for humanity and the earth. Come and learn to be one with each other, with nature and with God. Just bring your heart and let Spirit show you the way.

Peace be with you.
Summer Breeze



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